Tuesday, August 5, 2008

On and on...

So...nothing new lately. Had another grant meeting on saturday and finally finished the write-up for the grant! Just a bit of editing and formatting left to be done and it should be good and ready for the September 1st deadline. Still waiting to hear back about the poetry festival, the sign-up deadline for that is August 15th (my birthday!), so likely sometime after that I'll know if i'm in or *gasp* out. In the meantime I'm writing like crazy, trying to pull inspiration from everywhere.

I went with my parents to a car dealership last friday. (My mom is shopping around for a new whip). Now my parents are very well educated people, speak perfect English in fact, but often times people are too focused on the fact that they're a) black and b) have a Nigerian accent to be bothered to listen properly when they speak. It is extremely frustrating to me when my mom turns to me for help when the very English I speak, I learnt from her. She speaks 3 languages!! My parents gave up so much for us to be in this country, so that we could actually have a fighting chance in this crazy world. Anyways..that's a whole other blog entry. So i'm watching my parents talking to the dude at the car dealership, and I'm hit (almost literally hit in the face) by a poem I just had to write. Just got my iphone this week, and it has a neat little "notes" application on it. So right then and there I started writing...I have this new piece about my parents that I'll be posting just as soon as I'm satisfied that it's "finished". It will likely be on my upcoming album (you like how I slipped that in there ;))

So yeah...nothing new, but lots in the making. My sister's getting married in a couple of weeks!! eeee! oh and it's my birthday soon :)

love love love!


scribble,me.free said...

lol..oh the joys of a phone with a qwerty keyboard

scribble,me.free said...

oh and btw..u know i get a free copy of the album right?